Prepping Your Home For Winter — Alpine Air & Electrical

Prepping Your Home For Winter

Winter is well and truly here. The frosty mornings are like ice and the nights have a real chill. We can feel the bite in the air and we’ve definitely switched our air conditioners over to heating mode! But what else can be done to keep warm, especially in the home? We’ve put together our top tips for prepping your home for winter.

Getting your home winter ready

Prepping your home for winter will ensure you have a toasty space to come home to after a day of work or a day out and about.

Swap the linens over

Swapping the linens over is one sure way to cosy up your house! Warm linens give the home a nice comfortable feeling. Pack away all of your cool summer sheets and put the flannelettes on the beds. You’ll instantly feel warmer when you jump in at night. If you’ve got an electric blanket now’s the perfect time to put this on too!


Lay out the blankets

Bringing out the blankets and scattering them around the house means no one will go cold this winter! Having blankets on hand is a nice way to keep your guests warm too. Fold them over seats, throw them over lounges and place them at the end of beds. We also like to bring out a plush sheepskin for that added layer of warmth.


Get your layers out and sort your wardrobe

Once the cooler weather starts approaching it’s time to bring your warm layers down from the top of the cupboard. This is also a great time to sort and organise your wardrobe. Living where we do means we’re still lucky enough to sometimes get those nice sunny days, even during winter! Be sure to leave a few items of cooler clothing in reach just in case.


Add another layer of curtains

Layering curtains is a great way to add texture to your home while also keeping the heat in. Opt for a sheer base layer to let the light in during the day and a thicker, darker outer layer for night. This will give you an added cover of privacy but will also keep in some of that warmth you let in during the day.


Check for draughts and seal them up!

There’s nothing worse than a cold draught in the house when you’re trying to warm up. If you think you may have a draught coming from a window crack, you can put a candle in front of the window and wait to see if the flame flickers. If you do have a draught pop down to Bunnings to pick up some DIY rubber strips or even some silicone. If there’s a draught under the door, place a door snake down or roll up a blanket to seal it off.

Don’t forget the floors

Lay some rugs out on the floors for ultimate comfort. Covering hardwood, tiles or concrete floors with rugs is the perfect way to safeguard against cold feet in winter!

Check your smoke detectors are working

With the increased use of heaters at winter time it’s incredibly important to check your smoke detectors are working. When checking them, also make sure they have new batteries. If you don’t have carbon monoxide detectors installed, consider getting them.

Have a heated towel rail installed

An added extra, but not a necessity. Heated towel rails keep your towels warm and dry for a little bit of luxury in a cold bathroom. They’ll automatically transform the feeling of your bathroom. These days you can even add a timer to make sure your towel is warm when you need it.

Air Conditioner Installation

Have an air conditioner installed

One general misconception with air conditioners is that they are a heater too. This is actually incorrect. While they do push out warm air, they aren’t a heater.

An air conditioner will do a better job at keeping the room at one set temperature. Meaning once your room is warm, it will stay that way while you have the unit running.

A heater will pump a high temperature of heat out. You’ll notice it’s very hot near the heater but once you move further away from it, it’s not as hot. The difference with your air conditioner is that it will push warm air evenly around the room, meaning your whole room will be comfortable.

Take it one step further with the Mitsubishi Electric Wi-Fi Control App

Did you know you can turn your air conditioner on before you get home!? Imagine jumping out of the surf and from the touch of a button on your smartphone you can turn the heating on before you drive home.

Alpine Air & Electrical are an authorised business partner with Mitsubishi Electric Australia. Contact us today to see how the Mitsubishi Electric Wi-Fi Control App can work for you.

Book your air conditioner in for a service

If you already have an air conditioner, book it in for an annual service. Keeping your air conditioner maintained is the best way to ensure it’s running at peak performance. This is also a great time to clean your air conditioner filters. If the filters aren’t clean your air conditioner will be working a lot harder to warm the space, resulting in a higher electricity bill.


Don’t forget to swap your air conditioning controller over to heating mode. If you’re unsure how to do this, check your manual for instructions.

Ready to start prepping your home for winter?

If you’ve still got a few tasks to tick off your list, there’s no better time than now to do so. If your home’s feeling cosy and winter ready, sit back, relax and enjoy the indoor comforts of your home.


Want to heat your home with an air conditioner?
