A long 30 degree summer day can often mean a long hot, sleepless night full of tossing and turning. A night where you lay awake frustrated knowing you need to get to sleep for work tomorrow, but also knowing the heat is making it near impossible to do so. We share our tips on how to get through those hot, sleepless summer nights.
1. Have a quick, cool shower
If you’ve been in bed for a while struggling to get to sleep, get up and take a quick, cool shower. A regular body temperature is essential to getting a good night's sleep and a cold shower will help keep your temperature down. Turn on a small light so the bright lights in the bathroom don’t wake you up more. If you know you have a hot night ahead of you, jump in the shower before you get into bed for the night.
2. Leave water next to your bed
It’s during these hot nights that our bodies lose the most moisture and having to get out of bed for water is going to keep you awake. Placing a bottle of water on your bedside table will conveniently help you stay hydrated throughout the night. Keeping hydrated throughout the day is also going to help.
3. Have a light meal for dinner
Eat a light meal for dinner, such as a salad or fruits and vegetables. These types of foods are easier to metabolise and take less energy to break down. For temporary relief, choose foods such as watermelon or homemade ice blocks.
4. Swap your bed linen
When you start preparing your home for summer, one of the most important tasks to complete is changing the bed sheets as they can significantly impact your quality of sleep. Opt for cotton, linen or bamboo sheets. You want natural fabrics that are moisture-wicking and breathable. Did you know, bamboo sheets are actually highly insulating? Meaning they will keep you warm during winter and cool during the summer.
5. Turn the lights down
Using the dimming switch on your lights is going to help reduce the heat in the room. Turning them off completely will make a considerable amount of difference. If you like a little bit of light, try using small tea lights. Keeping appliances such as computers and TV’s off will also help reduce the heat in your room.
6. Control the temperature
Control the temperature of your bedroom by keeping the doors, blinds and shutters closed during the hot summer days. During the night, open them back up again along with the windows to let in any cool breeze. Create cross ventilation by opening up other doors and windows in the home so the air can blow all the way through.
7. Clean up
Did you know, a cluttered room can actually cause stress? When you’re stressed, your body releases chemicals that make you feel hot. Eliminate this by cleaning up the mess! Put items back where they belong, and ensure your room is neat and tidy.
8. Turn on the air conditioner!
If all else fails and you want to ensure you’re going to have a peaceful sleep full of rest, turn on the air conditioner. There is no better way to keep cool at night. The ideal temperature to set is 22 - 23 degrees Celsius. By keeping your controller at one temperature, your unit won’t have to run as long to cool your bedroom down and will also keep your energy costs down.
Keep your home cool this summer without breaking your budget
You also might not need the air conditioner running all night. You can set your air conditioner to turn off at 4am using the settings on your controller.
Be mindful of your neighbours
Depending on where you live, and how close your neighbours are, you may need to be mindful of the noise your air conditioner is making. The Northern Beaches Council website states:
During these times, noise should not be heard in a habitable room in a neighbour's residence:
Air conditioners and pumps
10pm–8am Sat, Sun and public holidays
10pm–7am Mon–Fri
If you have neighbours close by, switch your air conditioner to fan mode. This will still create air flow in your bedroom to help your sleep a little bit easier, without all of the noise coming from your outdoor unit.
Keep your cool this summer
Whether you’re going to try all of these tips, or just some, don’t be left sweating it out this summer! Ensure sleepless nights are no more by organising your air conditioning installation.
Organise your air conditioning installation