When the winter months start approaching, it’s not long before we start longing for those warm summer afternoons where we can sit outside and watch the sun go down. While we may not experience the sub zero temperatures like other parts of our country, or the world, we still enjoy the luxury of staying as warm and cosy as possible during the colder weather. Follow our tips to efficiently keep your home warm this winter, no matter what part of the house you are in.
Tips for keeping your house warm
Whether you’re blessed with beachside living, or snuggled up in the rolling hills, prepare your home for the cold weather by carrying out the following tips.
Use curtains as a layer of insulation
Having good, thick curtains in use will help to reduce your heat loss. During the day, leave the curtains open to let the sunlight in and warm the rooms. At night, keep them closed, ensuring the heat from the day doesn’t escape. Where possible, run your curtains from the ceiling down to the floor.
Draught proof your home
There is nothing worse than feeling cold air seep into a room whilst relaxing, and trying to keep warm. Make sure all of your doors and windows are sealed properly. Identify any cracks and get them fixed. Alternatively use a door snake or an old blanket or towel to push against the door crack.
Make use of rugs
Cover the hard surfaces in your home with rugs. Thick rugs not only add a layer of a warmth to the room, they are also visually pleasing. They’ll keep your feet from touching the cold floor and automatically instill the idea of warmth.
Reposition your lounge
If you’re using a heat source such as a fireplace or floor heater, keep the lounge away from it. While you may want to sit right on top of it, move the lounge away so the heat can circulate around the room. The same goes for any clothes horses. Keep these well away from your heat source. As well as a matter of safety.
Install skylights
Consider installing skylights into your ceiling. Taking advantage of natural light is one of the most cost effective ways to stay warm during the winter. It will also keep your room warm and bright. A great way to lift your mood during a cold, dull day.
Double glaze your windows
Double glazing your windows is best if you want to be energy efficient. The air between the panes acts as an insulation layer keeping your home at a pleasant temperature.
Keep the doors closed
Leaving your doors closed when heating rooms will help a room to heat a lot quicker, and keep it that way.
Put your fan on the reverse setting
Most fans have a reverse setting that moves air downward. As hot air rises towards the ceiling turning the fan to this setting will help you warm the room you are in. This is particularly useful for homes with high ceilings.
Get heating installed
It’s a common misconception that electric heaters are cheaper to run than your air conditioner on heating mode. Your air conditioner is going to be cheaper to run and is more energy efficient.
Benefits of an air conditioner
Electric heaters are two thirds more expensive to run.
An electric heater will overheat a room, whereas an air conditioner switches off when the room reaches the set temperature.
An air conditioner pushes the warm air around a room. However, you will find an electric heater is only really warm up close, getting colder as you move further away from it.
In summer, your air conditioner will also be there to cool down the room. An electric heater can only heat.
You’ll need to hire the services of a qualified air conditioning technician to install your unit. While initial installation costs can be expensive, the unit is inexpensive to run, proving to be an investment in the long run.
Tip: Getting an air conditioner installed during the winter months will help you avoid 6-8 week waiting periods in summer. Get your cooling and heating done at the same time and beat the rush.
Get your heating installed
Keep an eye on the temperature
The ideal temperature to set on your air conditioning wall or remote control is 23 degrees Celsius. You’d be surprised how keeping your air conditioner set to a lower temperature (closer to the ambient temperature) will help to keep your energy bills down.
Think about it this way, would you rather sit in a comfortable 23 degree room or an uncomfortable 27-28 degree room, and pay more for it?
Use blankets
For the extra cold people in your home, make use of warm blankets. Leave them draped over furniture when they’re not in use for interior styling, but also so they are easy to grab when you’re feeling cold. This will stop you reaching for the remote to turn the temperature up.
Keeping the bathroom warm during winter
There are many ways you can keep your bathroom room during the winter months.
Heated floors
There’s nothing worse than stepping onto a cold floor after a warm, toasty shower. A heated floor is a great way to combat this, keeping the floor (and room) warm during those cold mornings and nights.
You will need to hire an experienced electrician to enjoy the luxury of heated floors. Like a heating unit, a heated floor can be expensive to install, however inexpensive to run.
Install heat lamps
Heat lamps in the bathroom are an ideal way to minimise the cold air chill, keeping you warm when you step out of the shower. These can be installed in the ceiling making them an ideal option for a smaller bathroom.
Heated towel rack
Installing a fixture such as a heated towel rack is an added winter luxury. A heated towel rack ensures your towel will be fully dried the next time you to use it. Installing a thermostat to work with your heated towel rack will help you save on your energy bills. Depending on how you want to power your towel rack (central heating, dual fuel or electric) you may need the services of a qualified electrician.
A warm home is a happy home
Keeping your home warm from the cold winter chill sets a comfortable mood, allowing you to settle in for winter. If you want to discuss ways to keep your home warm with an air conditioning unit, contact our friendly team today.
Get your heating installed